
太公望 Benjamin


The source of Bible verses & Strong’s system of the original word meanings from “The Bible Society in Taiwan” AND  "blueletterbible.com". 

恩雨之聲 SOBEM on YouTube http://sobemyoutube2.blogspot.com/
組級別 Group level
(一) 姓氏 The Origin Of Chinese Family Name http://theoriginofchinesefamilyname.blogspot.com/
(二) 中文的開始 The Beginning Use Of Chinese http://thebeginninguseofchinese.blogspot.com/
(二) 探討洪水 group 2
亞當、巴別 The Flood And Language http://thefloodandlanguage.blogspot.com/
人、家 The Flood And Science Human http://thefloodandsciencehuman.blogspot.com/
神的定義 The Flood And Science Earth http://thefloodandscienceearth.blogspot.com/
草木 The Flood And Science Living Things http://thefloodandsciencelivingthings.blogspot.com/
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綱要 This is my profile for you

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Please click chart for large chart.) 

佛 = 史官所寫 scribe recorded
"Buddha" 時期為"七十個七 70X7"張貼所包。
"Buddha" period was covered within the "七十個七 70X7" posts.

看看 read also 但以理(七十個七)&耶穌 Daniel (Seventy weeks) & Jesus
看看 read also 西周東周 West and East Zaor
西周 The 841 BC http://the841bc.blogspot.com/

瞭解 To understand 不同 the different 類 kinds 的 of 意思 the meaning 的 of the "Buddha"
看看 read also 佛祖 Zebudah (Buddha)
匹配一 Construct Chinese 2 http://constructchinese2.blogspot.com/

看看 read also 仲國 Second nation of Abraham
仲國 Second nation of Abraham http://secondnationofabraham.blogspot.com/

基礎於"仲國那亞伯拉罕和一些他的親戚是迦勒底人。  就此"chi-na"表示"迦勒底人的後人”, 不同於其他迦勒底人的姓氏(陳及更多), 當然其中也有些是亞伯拉罕及他的親戚的後人。

"China" was based on "Second nation of Abraham" that Abraham and some of his relatives were Chaldean.  It was then "chi-na" meant "children of Chaldean" that was different from others with Chaldean family names (Chen, Chan, and more) that certainly some are of Abraham and the relatives of Abraham. 


看看 read also 彼拉多寫了 Pilate wrote 

耶穌 Relating To Jesus http://relatingtojesus.blogspot.com/ 

Please click chart for large chart.) 

看看 Read also 摩西&物 Moses & Puah
摩西 Relating To Moses

The ancient Chinese began with the writing of using the sound write stories from the names. The 3RD Century B.C. carried the words used based on the ancient Hebrew meaning and not what people expect it to mean today. The following was the sound and not meaning used to come up with the story of coding the names. It was especially from 1 Samuel 9:1 in the Bible (The original Bible did not use any thing but plainly put all the alphabets down onto the paper. Do not suppose that it was the verse but the section about part of the family tree of King Saul. The important people were recorded and past on. The stories were in the styles of then and there.) that we now refer to. 姜太公 was a code that showed up in so very many periods and did not agree at all. Before having all sorted out, this is one of the versions. The dictionary carried the phrase that was related to Chet (the booklet) mentioned one of the possible style was about stories without the real names or even any fact at all. It was plain about writing for the purpose of the writing. There were the meaningful parts then but not to people now.

The expansion of 姜太公 1046 B.C.
Read the post above
西周 = 周文武王.師姜太公 1046 B.C.
覆水難收 Water spilt
撒母耳記上 9:1 有一個便雅憫人,名叫基士,是便雅憫人亞斐亞的玄孫,比歌拉的曾孫,洗羅的孫子,亞別的兒子,是個大能的勇士(或譯:大財主)。
1 Samuel 9:1 Now there was a man of Benjamin, whose name was Kish, the son of Abiel, the son of Zeror, the son of Bechorath, the son of Aphiah, a Benjamite, a mighty man of power.

Benjamin 便雅憫 H1144 מין‎בני bin·yä·mene' 馬, 武
5)  Aphiah 亞斐亞 H0647 אֲפִיחַ af·ē'·akh 
4)  Bechorath 比歌拉 H1064 בְּכוֹרַת bek·ō·rath' 
ר 尉, 文
ת 太, 韜
3) Zeror 洗羅 H6872 צְרוֹר tser·ōre' 周, 姜, 薑, 經, 撰
ר 尉, 文
2) Abiel 亞別 H0022 אֲבִיאֵל a·vē·āl' 黃, 望, 王
ל 吕, 六, 繚, 略
1) Kish 基士 H7027 קִישׁ kēsh 石, 師, 氏, 司
King Saul 掃羅 H7586 שָׁאוּל shä·ül' 尚, 書, 孫, 三
ל 吕, 六, 繚, 略

The books with the names in the short (one character for the sound per name) forms like using only one alphabet to represent a name.
周 Zoar 文王 king of the literary 師 Cush
太公 = 公 = Ham (father of Cush)
姜望 = 吕望,字子牙(字尚)= 姜太公
姜(薑)子牙 = 姜(薑)太公

六韜(姜尚著) 6 Secret Strategic Teachings

a) 黃石公三略 3 Strategies of Huang Shigong
b) 武經七書
孫子兵法 Art of War 700-475 BC
司馬法 Methods of Sima
吳子 Wu-zi
尉繚子 Wei Liao-zi
